Seeking Greener Pastures: Man no Man (Ima Madu), End Game (20)
Everything wen get beginning must get ending, the whole German waka start with masters pattern, like play like play i don dey near d end of d masters movement. Na only final thesis remain make i graduate. And as dis ending dey near, e begin signal another hurdle wen man must cross for d greener pastures movement, that na to get full time job after graduation.
If u school for Germo, as u finish dem go knack u 18 months post study visa make u take find full time job wen flow with wetin u study for school. As una know already, I been don get the HALLELUYAH working student job wen give me good experience to put for my CV. The halleluyah job contract sef don come end and na back to job search again. But, by dis time my eye don tear, to get job no come be problem for me, but na d kain level of job come be problem. I don get confidence say mesef fit enter better kain student job. I still been get 6-8 months as student and i fit apply for another working student job, but my mind don comot dat level, i don dey tell baba GOD say i go like land full time job before I graduate, but not withstanding i go still dey apply for working student job to plum my CV. While i dey bomb full time and working student job, i still need tidy my bills. Based on levels wen i been get for my hotel job, dem tell me say anytime i wan come back, i fit come back, my position secure. So, i enter back d job. But, my people, my mind no come dey d job at all. My eye don dey halleluyah kain pattern.
Steady steady I dey bomb job application, by dis time i don come even understand d different levels of job rejection. Once u bomb job application and u get rejection letter under 24 hours, dat one mean say d recruiting software wen d company dey use don screen keywords wen dem dey find and ya CV to carry am. So dat one na direct bouncing. If ya CV don pass d software screening, u go receive email wen go tell u say your profile meet their requirements and dem go get back to u or say u don dey d pool of candidates. My people dis second part na him worse pass sometimes, if dem give u LEIDER NICHT (first bouncing), at least u go know say na to continue to dey bomb dey go. But d pool level, sometimes u fit dey swimming pool forever, infact u go drown inside dere, dat pool worse pass titanic, at least for titanic, boat come rescue people wen survive. But dis Germo pool na d junior brother of LEIDER NICHT (first bouncing). E get some companies wen be professionals for dis pool thing, i no go call dier name for here, but if u know u know.
Dis companies wen can keep u for pool till u die na him specialise for the Germo IMA MADU (Man Know Man). Before, i think say na only for Naija dem dey do Man Know Man. Once u don dey swimming pool pass three weeks, make u just know say Man No Man don happen.
Everyday i dey receive rejection letter for job applications, i dey restructure CV steady to see weda my luck go change, some jobs i go don do almost to d last stage before dem bounce me, small small i don frustrate. One day, as i dey update my CV, my phone ring and d phone number resemble landline. I don know immediately say na company dey call, i clear my voice well well before i pick d call. As i pick, d woman dey speak sweet British English, she tap me say she see my resume for Linkedln and d thing match wetin dem dey find. We talk for about 30 minutes, i tell her say i go finish my masters in 4 months time and she say that one no be problem. We schedule second round of interview, as expected i don do my research about d company, dis company na d immediate junior brother of HALLELUYAH company. As i tidy second interview finish on top Skype, dem say every every go well, but d next level na with the office for Germany. The company na American company wen just open dier branch for Munich. Na for here wahala come show, d interview na for German, d woman ask me if i go fit do d interview for German. And by dis time, my German no follow at all. As i clear d woman say my German no stew, she say maybe i fit do like 60% for German and dem go switch to English. My people i struggle scatter, i know understand shigbain. Na so I take loose dat golden opportunity. D thing depress me, but i reason solution to my problem. Na so i go pay for private German classes, walahi, dis period coins no dey my hand at all. I dey work only twice a week and I just come back from holiday with my family. Na credit card i even take flex d holiday with my family. So i been dey try stabilize from d waka. But i need improve my German to even give me chance incase of next time. Na so I pay for d German classes with credit card, d thing cost die. I run d German class 3 hours a day, four times a week for 2 months. That one give me good foundation, money don finish and i no fit continue to d next level. Dis period things just get as e be, i been come dey go through some personal trauma join d whole levels, all d places wen suppose dey give me joy and support come dey dull me. Even people wen u go expect say go understand as e dey go still dey give me grief. Coins scarce cos i need pay up coins wen i use for family waka and plus d private German class wen i pay for.
All my mind don dey reason life after masters, some people advice say i fit apply for second masters, just to use buy time, so i no go feel d pressure of the 18 months post masters job search visa. My people some people for d abroad don turn masters of masters, dem don do four, five masters just to dey d abroad. Me don talk say I no wan use dat option, because for me i just dey postpone my death, all die na die. I go find way. E reach one time sef, i just free job application for a while, cos d rejection don kill my morale. I just dey go my regular twice a week job just to take stay above water. The funny thing now be say I fit even work more hours for my current hustle, but my mind no dey dere cos na long term dey my mind. D job no fit give me any chance of work visa.
I know say depression no go help my condition, some of my guys dey tell me to cool down cos i still get some months before graduation and 18 months job seeker visa. My people leave levels, before i come d abroad, i think say basic needs of life na shelter, food and clothes. My people na big lie be dat, that theory wen Uncle Abraham Maslow talk no enter well. The basic need of life na freedom, wen i dey Naija, i no understand say d fact say i fit wake up do anything i like na gold, i no need go any office to extend my stay for lagos or find particular job or even do some kain levels to gain freedom. Now for d abroad, food dey, shelter and clothes dey. But na d fight to get freedom dey fear me, 18 months dey fly sharp sharp.
I continue to dey bomb job application, I come dey get interview for working student job anyhow, but na only three months remain for my student status and if i even switch take d working student role, dem no dey offer full time position after graduation, so i just free working student job generally. I don tell baba God say na full time ishe i dey find. Na so i just receive email wen schedule me for phone interview, i nearly don delete d email cos i think say na d normal rejection email. I know even fit remember which job be dis one, i don apply scatter, after much searching, i come see d company. The job even dey for German. I just reason say i go rough am, most times una fit start d interview for German, once dem see say u dey try dem dey fit switch to English. And i know say my German don dey average level wen i fit rough am.
Na so d day for phone interview reach, we begin d interview for German, d woman just dey talk fast German, i tell her to slow down. She slow am down, we rap German small, d question don dey reach technical part and i no fit flow for German, i begin add English inside, d woman no gree switch oooooo. She dey repeat d question for German. I just ask her for German if d job na 100% German, she say yes, both speaking and writing. My people, i just tell her (kann Ich meine Bewerbung bitte zurückziehen?) Abeg, shey i fit just withdraw my application. Na so dat job matter take end.
Back to square one, but dis time d thing wen i dey find online since dey for front. For my current twice a week job wen my spirit don comot since, i know ever believe say na dere go update my pin code. I just dey work and i dey gist one of d regulars wen dey show our side say i dey find full time hustle. D guy just tell me say if i go like join d company wen him dey work, he tell me every about d job and my current experience sef go help me out. Na so d guy collect my email address say him go tap up d manager. Like play like play, d next day d manager write me email, i send my cv, we fix Skype interview. Under three days dem don offer me full time job contract. Oboy, i know believe am. (Ima Madu) Man know Man dey work everywhere ohhhh.
Even though no be d Halleluyah job wen i been dream off, but i just been dey gratefull say something don enter for me. Now wen i dey reason things, I come dey ask myself "Wetin be Greener Pastures?". Cos even though person don get job, i still dey find more, i wan better job, better dis or dat. For me now, i don see say if man get freedom, shelter, food and cloth. The remaining na choice. All d tin wen we dey always wish for pass dis basic things wen i list for ontop na just wetin society dey show us, wetin TV don show us to be d greener pastures. D oyinbo people wen don come Africa go tell u say dem love d way we dey live for Africa, although dem go complain about d corruption. But dem always want d kind togetherness wen we get for Africa. While we wen get am dey pray to come dier own side, even after we come d abroad, na we go still dey hustle to get family wen dey embrace d African tradition.
My people no ever trade your freedom for anything, i promise u, e no worth am. No kee yourself dey find wetin people dey show u for social media. If u get freedom, food, clothes and shelter, d remaining na choice. I no talk say make we know wish for more, but make we no wish for wetin go collect our freedom for our hand.
I wan thank all d people wen don read dis series, d people wen comment and share, also d ghost readers wen no comment. We fit never dey where we want but at least we no dey where we bin dey before. Hopefully, i go update una with d next mini series (INVINCIBLE ROPE).
For my videos and anybody wen wan DM me, my IG handle na: @samedein or @seeking_greener_pastures.
Tags: Nigerian in Germany; pidgin; Naija living in Germany; pidgin blog; schooling in Germany; German waka
If u school for Germo, as u finish dem go knack u 18 months post study visa make u take find full time job wen flow with wetin u study for school. As una know already, I been don get the HALLELUYAH working student job wen give me good experience to put for my CV. The halleluyah job contract sef don come end and na back to job search again. But, by dis time my eye don tear, to get job no come be problem for me, but na d kain level of job come be problem. I don get confidence say mesef fit enter better kain student job. I still been get 6-8 months as student and i fit apply for another working student job, but my mind don comot dat level, i don dey tell baba GOD say i go like land full time job before I graduate, but not withstanding i go still dey apply for working student job to plum my CV. While i dey bomb full time and working student job, i still need tidy my bills. Based on levels wen i been get for my hotel job, dem tell me say anytime i wan come back, i fit come back, my position secure. So, i enter back d job. But, my people, my mind no come dey d job at all. My eye don dey halleluyah kain pattern.
Steady steady I dey bomb job application, by dis time i don come even understand d different levels of job rejection. Once u bomb job application and u get rejection letter under 24 hours, dat one mean say d recruiting software wen d company dey use don screen keywords wen dem dey find and ya CV to carry am. So dat one na direct bouncing. If ya CV don pass d software screening, u go receive email wen go tell u say your profile meet their requirements and dem go get back to u or say u don dey d pool of candidates. My people dis second part na him worse pass sometimes, if dem give u LEIDER NICHT (first bouncing), at least u go know say na to continue to dey bomb dey go. But d pool level, sometimes u fit dey swimming pool forever, infact u go drown inside dere, dat pool worse pass titanic, at least for titanic, boat come rescue people wen survive. But dis Germo pool na d junior brother of LEIDER NICHT (first bouncing). E get some companies wen be professionals for dis pool thing, i no go call dier name for here, but if u know u know.
Dis companies wen can keep u for pool till u die na him specialise for the Germo IMA MADU (Man Know Man). Before, i think say na only for Naija dem dey do Man Know Man. Once u don dey swimming pool pass three weeks, make u just know say Man No Man don happen.
Everyday i dey receive rejection letter for job applications, i dey restructure CV steady to see weda my luck go change, some jobs i go don do almost to d last stage before dem bounce me, small small i don frustrate. One day, as i dey update my CV, my phone ring and d phone number resemble landline. I don know immediately say na company dey call, i clear my voice well well before i pick d call. As i pick, d woman dey speak sweet British English, she tap me say she see my resume for Linkedln and d thing match wetin dem dey find. We talk for about 30 minutes, i tell her say i go finish my masters in 4 months time and she say that one no be problem. We schedule second round of interview, as expected i don do my research about d company, dis company na d immediate junior brother of HALLELUYAH company. As i tidy second interview finish on top Skype, dem say every every go well, but d next level na with the office for Germany. The company na American company wen just open dier branch for Munich. Na for here wahala come show, d interview na for German, d woman ask me if i go fit do d interview for German. And by dis time, my German no follow at all. As i clear d woman say my German no stew, she say maybe i fit do like 60% for German and dem go switch to English. My people i struggle scatter, i know understand shigbain. Na so I take loose dat golden opportunity. D thing depress me, but i reason solution to my problem. Na so i go pay for private German classes, walahi, dis period coins no dey my hand at all. I dey work only twice a week and I just come back from holiday with my family. Na credit card i even take flex d holiday with my family. So i been dey try stabilize from d waka. But i need improve my German to even give me chance incase of next time. Na so I pay for d German classes with credit card, d thing cost die. I run d German class 3 hours a day, four times a week for 2 months. That one give me good foundation, money don finish and i no fit continue to d next level. Dis period things just get as e be, i been come dey go through some personal trauma join d whole levels, all d places wen suppose dey give me joy and support come dey dull me. Even people wen u go expect say go understand as e dey go still dey give me grief. Coins scarce cos i need pay up coins wen i use for family waka and plus d private German class wen i pay for.
All my mind don dey reason life after masters, some people advice say i fit apply for second masters, just to use buy time, so i no go feel d pressure of the 18 months post masters job search visa. My people some people for d abroad don turn masters of masters, dem don do four, five masters just to dey d abroad. Me don talk say I no wan use dat option, because for me i just dey postpone my death, all die na die. I go find way. E reach one time sef, i just free job application for a while, cos d rejection don kill my morale. I just dey go my regular twice a week job just to take stay above water. The funny thing now be say I fit even work more hours for my current hustle, but my mind no dey dere cos na long term dey my mind. D job no fit give me any chance of work visa.
I know say depression no go help my condition, some of my guys dey tell me to cool down cos i still get some months before graduation and 18 months job seeker visa. My people leave levels, before i come d abroad, i think say basic needs of life na shelter, food and clothes. My people na big lie be dat, that theory wen Uncle Abraham Maslow talk no enter well. The basic need of life na freedom, wen i dey Naija, i no understand say d fact say i fit wake up do anything i like na gold, i no need go any office to extend my stay for lagos or find particular job or even do some kain levels to gain freedom. Now for d abroad, food dey, shelter and clothes dey. But na d fight to get freedom dey fear me, 18 months dey fly sharp sharp.
I continue to dey bomb job application, I come dey get interview for working student job anyhow, but na only three months remain for my student status and if i even switch take d working student role, dem no dey offer full time position after graduation, so i just free working student job generally. I don tell baba God say na full time ishe i dey find. Na so i just receive email wen schedule me for phone interview, i nearly don delete d email cos i think say na d normal rejection email. I know even fit remember which job be dis one, i don apply scatter, after much searching, i come see d company. The job even dey for German. I just reason say i go rough am, most times una fit start d interview for German, once dem see say u dey try dem dey fit switch to English. And i know say my German don dey average level wen i fit rough am.
Na so d day for phone interview reach, we begin d interview for German, d woman just dey talk fast German, i tell her to slow down. She slow am down, we rap German small, d question don dey reach technical part and i no fit flow for German, i begin add English inside, d woman no gree switch oooooo. She dey repeat d question for German. I just ask her for German if d job na 100% German, she say yes, both speaking and writing. My people, i just tell her (kann Ich meine Bewerbung bitte zurückziehen?) Abeg, shey i fit just withdraw my application. Na so dat job matter take end.
Back to square one, but dis time d thing wen i dey find online since dey for front. For my current twice a week job wen my spirit don comot since, i know ever believe say na dere go update my pin code. I just dey work and i dey gist one of d regulars wen dey show our side say i dey find full time hustle. D guy just tell me say if i go like join d company wen him dey work, he tell me every about d job and my current experience sef go help me out. Na so d guy collect my email address say him go tap up d manager. Like play like play, d next day d manager write me email, i send my cv, we fix Skype interview. Under three days dem don offer me full time job contract. Oboy, i know believe am. (Ima Madu) Man know Man dey work everywhere ohhhh.
Even though no be d Halleluyah job wen i been dream off, but i just been dey gratefull say something don enter for me. Now wen i dey reason things, I come dey ask myself "Wetin be Greener Pastures?". Cos even though person don get job, i still dey find more, i wan better job, better dis or dat. For me now, i don see say if man get freedom, shelter, food and cloth. The remaining na choice. All d tin wen we dey always wish for pass dis basic things wen i list for ontop na just wetin society dey show us, wetin TV don show us to be d greener pastures. D oyinbo people wen don come Africa go tell u say dem love d way we dey live for Africa, although dem go complain about d corruption. But dem always want d kind togetherness wen we get for Africa. While we wen get am dey pray to come dier own side, even after we come d abroad, na we go still dey hustle to get family wen dey embrace d African tradition.
My people no ever trade your freedom for anything, i promise u, e no worth am. No kee yourself dey find wetin people dey show u for social media. If u get freedom, food, clothes and shelter, d remaining na choice. I no talk say make we know wish for more, but make we no wish for wetin go collect our freedom for our hand.
I wan thank all d people wen don read dis series, d people wen comment and share, also d ghost readers wen no comment. We fit never dey where we want but at least we no dey where we bin dey before. Hopefully, i go update una with d next mini series (INVINCIBLE ROPE).
For my videos and anybody wen wan DM me, my IG handle na: @samedein or @seeking_greener_pastures.
Tags: Nigerian in Germany; pidgin; Naija living in Germany; pidgin blog; schooling in Germany; German waka
Las las everytin go stew and we go dey alright.
The journey goes on.
this episode enter die.
Las la we go dey alright.
keep it up.
Las Las, no place like home but na condition make crayfish bend, make everybody dey find greener pasture.
Las Las, hustle go pay and we go dey alright.